Physical Description
There are twelve nodes, in total. One node is a
submit node, where you develop, compile, and
submit your jobs to a job scheduler. This is
the node that you will access directly. The
other eleven nodes are the compute nodes, where
your jobs will actually run. Every node is
configured as follows:
- Two 3.0 GHz Xeon EM64 processors
- 2GB of transitory storage in /tmp
- 60GB of transitory storage in /scratch1
- 160GB of transitory storage in /scratch2
Every node has a connection to a commodity
gigabit ethernet network for IP communication.
In general, this should only be used as a
control connection. For message passing, the
compute nodes have a connection to an Infiniband network. You
can access the interconnect natively using MPI
or you can use IP over infinband through the
vnodeNN-ib interface.